Maximise your time & effort on social media - automate!


Hi everyone, hard to believe there are less than 10 weeks until Christmas! Over the past few weeks I have been planning business activities for the next 3 – 6 months, in particular a mix of marketing & communication strategies, focussing on how I can best provide value to my target audience. I have personally found the most effective and immediate way of communicating is via social media.  Unless you plan what content you are going to post and when, it can be a time consuming exercise especially if you are sharing on different platforms!

 No matter if you are new business owner and are looking at engaging new customers or have been in business for several years and are reviewing your model, the principles remain the same. 

Here are a few tips to maximise your effort and time invested on social media marketing:

  1.  Be strategic don’t randomly post which can be a time waster (we are all guilty of that right!!), I recommend setting aside a set time + day each week to plan for the week or month ahead.  I find Sunday is an ideal time for me to set aside a few hours to work on my biz & personal schedule.
  2. Next, decide what content you are going to post, the time of day, # of times per week and what social media platforms that is an ideal fit for your target audience. 
  3. Not sure who your target audience is or where to find them?  First, focus on your business model, who is your ideal client, how can you best serve them then research what groups they are hanging out on – FB/ Instagram/ Pinterest/ Linkedin – and talk to them 1:1 as if you were talking to your best friend, be authentic!
  4. My biggest tip for today – AUTOMATE your posts, don’t post randomly which can be a time waster and not convey the right messages. I recommend you use a tool to manage your social media to share across all platforms, my favourite is HOOTSUITE an app you can download to a device or your computer, which is easy to use and now schedules to Instagram which is a bonus. 

So get connected, plan your content and have FUN with it!