>>> 7 Mistakes of a Successful Entrepreneur!

Hi there!

Running a business can be overwhelming, not enough hours in the day, information overload, leaving you searching for answers on how to grow your business and achieve life balance at the same time.  Does this sound like you?  Well you are not alone …


When you first started out in your business you would have done your research and set yourself up with tools and systems to get your dream into reality, right? – a one page business plan, marketing plan, communications plan, social media plan… to roll out your vision & goals during the first 3, 6, 12 months of operations.


Year two comes around, the business is growing, you take on more clients, technology and systems are constantly changing, you need to engage extra staff, your time is divided and you are not spending enough time on planning and strategies.  Crazy right?


But there is a way around it, take time out for a biz and lifestyle audit!


There are 7 common mistakes that successful entrepreneurs make that can be avoided with planning, here are my top 3:

  1. Growing your business manually.  You cannot do it all, or you will end up working long hours, no home life, and limited contact with friends, on the road to burnout in 2 years.   Solution:  Review what processes can be streamlined and automated in your business to find balance. 

  2. Dropping self-care off your priorities.  Your business is only successful as much as you are looking after yourself. Solution:  If you are passionate about your biz, take time out to rejuvenate – nutritious meals, exercise, find what feeds you emotionally on a deeper level and commit to bringing that back into your routine.

  3. Doing things you shouldn’t be doing.  Your role as a business owner is to work strategically on the biz, don’t get caught up in tasks that don’t contribute to growth.  Solution:  Outsource tasks that take time – accounting, designing, phone chase-ups, that keep you working in the biz not on the biz.


Do any of the above points resonate, what mistakes are you making in your entrepreneurial journey that needs to change today?


It’s time for some real talk! 


To your success...

PS Finding balance in your biz and lifestyle is high on my list of priorities, I am running Culinary Masterclasses to teach entrepreneurs how to get back to basics in the kitchen including how to prepare simple nutritious meals for energy and flow.  Learn more HERE.

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