Jo-Anne Grist

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>>>The secret to setting BHAG!

Hey welcome back! 


Is it just me or did we all just blink and January is but a speck on the horizon? 


If you have just jumped online after a rolling Summer holidays break, and have just surfaced for air after settling the kids back into school – phew - thanks for dropping by, and now to focus on you, your career and business.


So a quick question, how did you started off your business planning for 2019?  I’m sure you spent a heap of time poolside or on the beach – in-between watching some beautiful sunsets with your fave cocktail in hand - reflecting over last year, what were the highlights and the not so profitable activities of 2018?  What is your focus in 2019 and what are you going to do differently?

February is all about keeping on track with the vision and goals you set yourself for a profitable lifestyle business in 2019.  It’s around about now that reality sets in and unless you have a solid game plan, it’s all too easy to get caught up in busy versus hitting the milestones you have set for you and your business.


Have you set yourself some big hairy audacious goals?  I want to let you in on a secret, your goals have to be bigger than YOU!  The more money you make the more you can help other people.


Last year one of the main business highlights for me was growing my brand recognition and developing Queen of Foodiness the health and wellness component of my coaching business.


I would like to take a moment to thank you for being part of this community in 2018, and for letting me pop into your Inbox (because I know it can get overloaded) and letting me share this crazy biz journey with you.


It is my mission to inspire you to take massive imperfect action in not only growing a viable business that provides you with long term income but balance in your entrepreneurial journey to enjoy all the hard work you have put in and achieve your desired outcomes.

The key to being successful in business and in your career is to know what is critical and what distractions are. It’s also about creating sustainable balance that works for you so as not to experience burnout and to ensure you stay alert and relevant to what is happening around you.


Stop and take a breath, the first month is done and dusted, let’s keep the momentum going!


Next week I am going to share some decluttering tips with you to create space and let abundance flow.

To your success…

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